Friday, December 14, 2012

Helper's First Plane Trip Inside of the Cabin!!!

An airport can be a very stressful situation for a puppy because of the crowds, booming announcements over the public address system, luggage being dragged by strangers, people in wheelchairs, motorized carts, smells from all of the foodservice operators etc.  Because of these reasons CCI requires that you get their permission before you fly anywhere with your puppy.  It is very important that they have a good experience so that they are confident traveling as a graduate dog assisting their partner.  To help prepare Helper for the atmosphere inside an airport terminal, I took her to the airport a couple of times in November to walk her around the ticket counter, baggage claim and the security check points.  She did well and loved the attention she got from all of the workers and travelers!

The last time Helper flew on a plane she was 8 weeks old.  At that time she was put in a kennel and transported in the cargo section of the plane.  That was in March when she was sent to DFW Airport where my friend Virginia and I picked her up.  It seems like a long time ago!  

Today's trip was very different for Helper.  She is almost one year old and has the skill to accompany me in the cabin of the plane for my trip home (upstate New York) for the Christmas holiday!  The picture above was taken (by a fellow passenger seated across the aisle from us) on our first flight as Helper slept on the floor beside me.  Everyone was very nice!  On this leg of our journey (first of two flights) as we were exiting the plane, the co pilot actually tried to get Helper to sit in his seat for a great photo opportunity!   She was not cooperating so we settled for the pic below of Helper sitting in the cockpit next to the pilot.  The United Airlines crew was terrific!

We changed planes in Cleveland, Ohio and had enough time to go for a potty break outside of the airport terminal which meant that Helper had to go thru security again.  Just like in Dallas where we started our day, she navigated the check point like a pro!  I was very proud of her as I commanded her to "stay" on the other side of the security checkpoint as I walked thru the electronic detector and then called "here" for her to walk thru the detector by herself.  Everyone was impressed with Miss Helper!

The second flight went as well as the first one and when we arrived in Syracuse, New York we were met at the airport by my sister Holly.  It was a long day but Helper gained valuable experiences that will serve her well as a service dog.

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