Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Helper had company for the Thanksgiving weekend.  Her friend Nessie (on the left) came to stay with us.  As you can see with all the toys, Helper and Nessie had lots to be thankful for this Thanksgiving!

Nessie is just five months old and her Puppy Raiser (Marsha) is already providing her the opportunity to "sleep over" at other Puppy Raiser's homes.  This is a great experience for a CCI puppy  because they get used to different living situations, different styles of handlers and being away from their Puppy Raiser.  This experience helps them to be confident in new environments and ultimately transition better when they go on to "Puppy College" for advance training when they are approximately 18 months old.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Paint Horse Show

Yesterday we went to Fort Worth to attend the Paint Horse Show.  Helper is amazing around horses...she loves them!  I think maybe they seem like big dogs to her!  LOL  This picture was taken as Helper performed the lap command (the puppy puts their front legs across your lap and their back legs remain on the floor).  As you can see she is totally watching the Paint Horse action in the arena!

Friday, November 9, 2012

VA Outpatient Clinic

This week Marsha took Helper to the VA Hospital in Fort Worth for their Outpatient Clinic.  CCI had a booth there to get the word out about our wonderful Service Dogs.  The picture below was taken as (left to right) Simba, Helper and Zeta relaxed during a slow period of the day.

After the event Helper went back home with Marsha to have a play date with Nessie.  As you can see from the picture below, Nessie patiently waited for her friend Helper to rest from her busy day at the VA Hospital so they could play cute!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Why be a Volunteer Puppy Raiser?

When I am out with Helper I meet lots of people.  During these interactions I tell folks a little bit about Canine Companions for Independence and explain my role as a Volunteer Puppy Raiser.  Then Helper dazzles her new fans by executing a few of my commands!  During these interactions one of the most common comments I hear is "How do you give her up after having her all that time...I could never do that".  I tell people that it will be very hard but that I know how important Helper will be to someone with a disability.  Next I tell them about the person who brought me into the CCI organization.  His name is Jason Morgan and he is a retired Air Force Staff Sergeant ... he was a Combat Meteorologist in Special Operations.  Jason was injured in the line of duty in South America in 1999.  A couple of years ago he got his first service dog...Napal.  Napal is a handsome Black Labrador that is always at Jason's side.  Jason says that Napal has positively changed his life!  Together they make appearances at special events to help get the word out for CCI and Wounded Warriors.  Jason is a true inspiration!  He is the reason I can look beyond the sadness I will experience when Helper leaves me.  CCI dogs make a positive difference in the lifes of many people!

The picture below of Helper and Jason was taken a couple of months ago by the Editor of Plano Profile Magazine when they were doing a story on Jason.  Helper loves Jason!