September has been a very busy month for both Helper and me! I was on vacation in Alaska during the first two weeks of the month so Helper went to another Puppy Raiser's (Marsha) house while I was gone. It was a great experience for Helper because Marsha G. is a very experienced PR and she has a 13 week old puppy that she is raising named Nessie. Because Helper is the only dog in my household, she gets very distracted when she sees dogs at various events...all she wants to do is play with them! This is a bad trait for a dog that is training to assist someone with a disability. My goal is to have her interact more frequently with other dogs so that it becomes routine and she does not lose focus when we are working/training. Helper's time with Nessie was a great start to more dog to dog interactions. This first picture is a great photo that Marsha took of "the girls" practicing their door manners at Marsha's back patio door. They are beautiful!!!!

While staying with Nessie, Marsha took great care to expose Helper to new situations. One day they all went to visit another Puppy Raiser (Terri) that has a horse in a nearby stable. Terri introduced them to horses and mules! Helper was very interested in making these new friends...she is not afraid of anything! Take a look at the picture below. That is Terri in the left corner holding Helper's lease as she lets the mules sniff her and makes her way to the ponies on the right. Nessie let Helper go first!
I owe a big thank you to Marsha for taking such great care of Helper while I was gone!
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