Sunday, September 30, 2012

Allergic Reaction...Very Scary!

This morning after Helper had her breakfast we went outside so she could "hurry".  We were only outside a few minutes and as usual Helper was sniffing the ground as she looked for a spot for her bathroom break.  Nothing in her behavior was unusual.  However, when we came back into the house I noticed that Helper had swelling around her eyes and it quickly got worse and spread to her muzzle.  I was pretty scared but Helper was normal and she even wanted to play!  Even though it was Sunday I sent a text to my Vet before heading out to a 24 hour Animal ER.  Luckily Dr. Hunter called me immediately and told me to give Helper 75mg of Benedryl.  Since Helper was not in distress we decided to wait an hour to give the Benedryl a chance to work.  When the hour passed Dr. Hunter called and I told her Helper was not much better.  She was wonderful and told me to meet her at the office (Lazy Paw Animal Hospital).  Once there she gave Helper a steroid shot.  Within a couple of hours Helper was back to normal.  The only thing I could think of that caused this episode was that Helper probably made contact with Fire Ants or some other type of insect when she was nosing around the yard.  I am so grateful to Dr. Hunter/Lazy Paws for her wonderful response to my emergency!

This is a picture of my sweet puppy...she looks like an alien!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness. Poor Helper.... Poor Carol!
    Glad she is back to her normal healthy and beautiful self!
